Sunday 15 November 2015

Freebie - Report Card Assessment Beginning of the Year

Happy NovemBEAR:)  It is almost report card season in my part of the world!  I thought I would share a little Language Arts Assessment freebie.  The first part assesses their reading and comprehension skills.  The second part assesses their phonics and sounding out skills.  The third part they must copy the sentence so it assesses their printing skills.  Hope this is useful!
first report card

Also for those of you teaching about religion I have a little make it yourself church that was student inspired.  They found some of my scraps from a couple of projects and started cutting them out.  Pretty soon they were creating their own churches so I thought why not make it into a class project!  Voila!!
cut and paste easy religious centered art

And this is how they turned out!!  The kids clapped when I told them about the project!!  Totally personalized for their learning and interest!! LOVE!

religion primary

primary classroom religion

All graphics are by the lovely Kari Bolt so be sure to check out her store on TpT!

Monday 9 November 2015

Printing Practice Freebies

So I am teaching my students about where I would like them to place their letters when printing.  I have always used the analogy of a house to help but I have never made any worksheets to match.  Finally I made a few so here you go for free!

I do a little quiz by pointing to each part of the house and having them call out the name of the part I am pointing to.  After some practice they get used to talking about the upstairs, downstairs, basement, middle dotted line, top solid line, bottom solid line, etc.  We go fast, we go slow - it is pretty fun.

primary practice printing

Then we sorted out the letters of the alphabet into their respective houses!  Simple yet effective!  Happy printing, eh!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

I Can't...YET! and Seasons Group Projects

A little throwback to a post I did a few years back that featured some cute I Can poetry and some I Can't...YET! poetry!!  We had a lot of fun doing this one!  Below are a few extra picts from the activity!

primary activities language arts
I can dance,  I can't swim...yet!

primary activities
I can ride my scooter.  I can't ride my bike...yet!!
primary activities
I can read.  I can't sing well...yet!!

primary poetry perseverance
I can paint.  I can't read hard books...yet!!
You can purchase this activity and more activities for learning about perseverance by clicking on the link to my TpT store below!

primary activities perseverance

Also...tis the season for learning about seasons in my class!!  Below is one of the latest group projects complete by my little muffins!!

hands on


I definitely got a feel for how this new class works together and it was PERFECT for an afternoon project!!   Click below to check it out at my TpT store!

group projects primary

And this...wait for my dream fanny pack for recess and lunch supervision!!  Don't you just LOVE it!!  I know - teacher nerd!!

Friday 4 September 2015

Left Right Hand Freebie!

Hi all - have been meaning to do this one FOREVAH!!!  Finally am getting to it as I am readying my classroom for the beginning of a new school year!  I am super pumped!  It is going to be a busy one!  I'm doing my Masters at the same time!  Eeeeeeek!!  I'm oddly excited to do my own schooling as well - it will be awesome now that I have 10 years teaching experience under my belt - I know most of the ins and outs!!  Anyhow click on the pict below to get your free poster!  Hope you love it and it works well for you!

primary classroom decor

A shout out to Hello Fonts for their amazingness!  As well as to Creative Clips for their wonderful graphics!!  I'm super appreciative!

Be sure to follow me on Bloglovin', like my TpT store, and my Facebook page by clicking on the links at the top of my blog!  Thanks and happy back to school!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Sale! Sale! Sale!

TeacherspayTeachers is throwing a sale and I am as well!!  Come check out my store!

Here are some products you might be interested in for back to school!!

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Religion Units to Finish the Set!

Hi all!!  Almost the end for us now up here in Canada!!  As an added bonus I have finished my Grade One Catholic Units!!  Hurray!!  Here they are below for you to check out!!

 Religion Lessons Grade 1

 Religion lessons grade 1

primary religion lessons

 Christmas Religion Lessons

Easter Religion lessons

Saturday 25 April 2015

10 Tips for Getting Your Class to Work Quietly AND Easter Activities

I thought is was about time to do a post on getting your students to work quietly.  Now don't get me wrong.  I don't think that my students should always be working in complete silence.  However I do think it is important that they get used to working for short periods of time in silence - with my students we start with a goal of about five minutes in September and we work up to about fifteen to twenty minutes as the year progresses.  My cue that they have reached their limit is when the talking begins again - then we move onto another activity.  There are many steps that I take into consideration when I am training them to work.  I will attempt to outline these in the post!! lol

Lead up to quiet work time: First I will teach the lesson and end with explaining the assignment.  Now, there are few things that may result in loud working time rather than quiet working time.  So if the following tips aren't working for you, take into account factors like... a full moon - I'm not kidding - kiddos get crazy around this time...a holiday/school theme day like Halloween or crazy hair day or Christmas break - these can impede quiet work time...students not understanding the concept or activity - in this case get the attention of your class and re-explain the assignment...time of day - if you students are tired or hungry either feed them or schedule quiet work time earlier in the day - I tend to avoid afternoons, period!

Ok - down to business!

Tip #1: Explain the assignment on the carpet and send students back to their desks one at a time with a statement such as, "Look how quietly Sally went back to her desk and got straight to work.  Who thinks they can do the same? Impress me!"  Do this a couple of more times until the class is all seated.

Tip #2: If your class is already seated, explain the assignment and quickly pass out the materials.  This is crucial - if it takes too long students will get restless.  Either have quiet (they don't talk with each person they hand the assignment to or wonder aloud who's book they are handing out - you may have to do some skits to demonstrate how to be a good hander-outer), efficient helpers hand out assignments or use some method so that assignments are in hand, ready for students to get to work.

Tip #3: Pencils and Erasers - I say, "Pencils and erasers!" and they repeat "Pencils and erasers!" three times - a little Whole Brain Teaching with the 3peat!  Then I say, "When I say pencils, you say erasers! Pencils!" Students: "Erasers!" Me "Pencils!" Students: "Erasers!" Me in a silly voice, "Pencils" Students in a silly voice, "Erasers!"

Tip #4: Chair Check - I say, "CHAIR CHECK!" and the students reply, "Check, check, check!" I say,  "Chair square, feet flat, helper hand holds!" and they repeat the same phrase.  I'm not exactly sure where I discovered Chair Check but I loved it so I thought I would make it into a chant!  The kids LOVE it!!  Here is a little freebie poster I made for the classroom!

Tip #5: Work!! Time for another Whole Brain Teaching 3peat!  I say, "Work!" and the students say, "Work, work, work!"  In the beginning of the year we talk about the importance of being a good student - students are at school to do school work, etc.  We talk about what a good student does and looks like.  Usually the "Work!" signal results in quiet, silent working!  It is wonderful!  I say these signals at quite a fast pace with a rhythm that doesn't leave much time for discussion and is quite structured.  With a routine like this over and over my students settle down and know my expectations without thinking.  It can still take some time to get to this point so here are a few more tricks.

Tip #6: If your students are still chatty use a timer and get their attention and tell the students that we will try to work silently for two minutes.  I say, "Hands up if you think you can do it!  On your  marks, get set, GO!!  Congratulate them when they have reached the time limit.  Increase the time limit each work period if they are successful.

Tip #7: The SUPER SECRET/AWESOME/BIG KAHUNA get your students to work quietly and have fun tip!  Teach your students the Distraction Game!  The rules are simple: If students get distracted from the work by turning and looking when there is something to distract them - they lose!  I usually point at them, smile, and say, "You lose! Everyone else wins!"   They LOVE it!!  Now comes the fun part - I get to create the distractions!  Sometimes I will pretend to tap dance, or I will say, "Look!  A flying elephant!" I will do anything to distract them from their work!  To this day they always ask to play the distraction game!

Tip #8: Once students are settled and working quietly, observe for the first minute or so but then allow them to work INDEPENDENTLY, without your help for at least five minutes.  Go to your desk, sip your coffee, check your e-mail, tidy the classroom, sort the pile of lunch order money still on your desk from the morning rush!!  This will begin to train those most needy to discover what it is like to work on their own.  Keep an eye on them - you can always tell the ones who need help or are not focused but give them the chance to problem solve without you - maybe they just need think time.  Maybe they can solve their problem without you.  They need to know they can exist for a short period of time without you standing over them - it is just too easy for them to ask you to solve their problems.

Tip #9: Allow students to get sharp pencils from the Sharp Pencil can, tissues, new crayons, etc. without having to ask for permission during silent work time.  This decreases interruptions and movement in the classroom.

Tip #10: Make it fun!!!  Compliment them on their fine work skills and tell them how you brag about them to other teachers about how quietly they work and for how long they can work for!  Students who are finished first must choose something to do in their desks - I tend to give them the iPad Mini's.  This is always a for sure distractor while the rest of the class works for as long as possible!

Hope this helps for all you teacher peeps!!  I know you have been working hard and after reading about some of your stories on Facebook regarding multiple principal classroom visits and state testing I am sending out the LOVE!!!

P.S. Just finished my Easter packet!  Give it a look see if you have a moment!!

first grade grade 1 religion packet

One of my students favourite activities was of course the hunt!!  I bought 3 mesh bags of those foil wrapped Easter eggs, hid them and then finished with a little math activity.  We had a blast!! Learning of course!!

religion grade 1 easter

Monday 13 April 2015

Religion Unit 2: Learning the Catholic Faith

Happy Easter everyone!!  Unit 2 is finally here and I am very hoppy!!!  We had a lot of fun doing these activities!!  Be sure to check out the preview on TpT!

Primary religion grade 1 first grade

This was the poster I used to teach about the fruits of the spirit!  We did a write the room and then ate fruit salad!!  The kids loved it!!!!  They really look forward to religion!!

religion grade 1 primary

 These were our "I am a saint when..." craftivities!  They turned out amazing which is a feat for me if I do say so myself!!  I generally have great ideas for art but my examples do not always turn out as aesthetically pleasing as I would like - LOL!!  

craftivity grade 1 primary religion

Anyhow the unit is lots of fun!  I encourage you to take a peek!!  Have a great week and for those of you back to work after Spring break, have a good one!!!

Friday 6 March 2015

Freebie! Healthy Snacks vs. Unhealthy Snacks

Hey all!!  I am off to Vancouver this weekend for a Salsa Congress!!  So excited to be dancing!!!  But I will miss my sweet little kiddos!  In the afternoon I left my sub a little healthy and unhealthy snacks sort.  Download it for FREE!!
grade 1 primary health activities freebie

I'm going to get her to read a couple of books too.  Then we will do a little review of the four food groups!

Image result for i will not ever eat a tomato

Image result for gregory the terrible eater

Voila!  A nice little health lesson on healthy snacks!!

Monday 23 February 2015

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a TpT Sale!!!

SUPER TEACHER saves the day!!!!  Heehee - that is what I say to my students every time I find something they have lost... They usually look at me with an odd look and maybe a small smile but I am ecstatic!  One small feat after another I make my way through my day!  Why not have a day to celebrate!

Use the Promocode: HEROES and get 8% off any packet on the Teachers pay Teachers website.   PLUS I am having a sale as well so get 20% more off of any of my packets!!  KABAAM!

How about a few freebies to keep the party going!!!

grade 1 first grade

I used this for some of my report card assessment - the writing and phonics portion!!

Grade One

Add some skittles to these and they may a perfect welcome gift for an open house or a Meet the Teacher night!!  I wanted to save on ink so I got my students to colour the rainbow and cut out them with fancy scissors - personalize it a bit!!!

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Freebie Froggy Valentine Writing!!

A little freebie Valentine for my followers!!!

 Happy Valentine's Day!  Ask your students what they see in the picture!  Practice some demonstration sentences.  I see a happy frog.  He is holding a box of chocolates.  It must be a valentine for his friend!  Encourage proper punctuation!

primary grade one first grade

first grade grade one primary

Also check out my Valentine posts from 2013 and 2014!!

Tuesday 27 January 2015

My Own Report Card Freebie - for Parent/Teacher Interviews!!

Hello everyone!!  I have been sorely lacking in blogging lately but I made this fabulous little sheet for my kiddos to fill out before Parent/Teacher Interviews!!  I go through it with the parents and the kids are always SO SWEET and HONEST!!  

My Own Report Card Grade 1

Click here and download it for free!!!

Happy Teaching!!