Tuesday 21 January 2020

Religion Lesson Plans for the Catholic Teacher

Hello all - I know I have have been MIA for awhile - the reason being I am in a new position this year teaching Grade 3/4!  It has been a nice change but as you know, lots of work.  However, I jumped at the opportunity to teach Religion to older grades.  As a result, I have my first unit complete for Grade 3 and Grade 4!

My favourite lessons include one on taking a peek at different religions and comparing them to the Catholic faith - so many parallels, looking at dignity for all and creating a huge class banner as we study how we can be more inclusive and accepting as human beings, as well as an examination of conscience and a reflection on how we love ourselves, as well as others.

My students LOVED the virtue bookmark - lol - I see them everywhere - I think it has to do with the excess ribbon I let them use to decorate - haha.  The unit also includes a lot more!

teaching religion

The set up is the same as the Grade 1 unit with easy printing and copying into booklets! Also, look for a few bonus lessons!

Hope you enjoy and happy teaching!