Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Campfire Reading and Smores!!

I got this amazing idea to have a camp out reading day in my classroom from another teacher blog.  I sent a note home telling students to bring a blanket and a flashlight to school.  At lunch I set up a pretend campfire and a little "tarp" tent for the kids who didn't bring a blanket.

The rest of the crew draped their blankets over their desks and chairs.  They read until it was time to make s'mores in the other room.

 I bought the cookies dipped in chocolate so it eliminated the chocolate bar that can be a bit messy.  We used a microwave to cook the marshmallows!

Then, they all wanted to sit around the campfire, sing songs and tell stories.  What a great crew.  I even told a "scary" story about a Muskrat and a little boy named Bob.  Happy Camping!!

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