Saturday, 20 April 2013

A Fishy Competition: Subtraction Fun Friday Freebie

So my little muffins needed some FUN and a subtraction review.  It was Thursday and my music class run by a wonderful parent volunteer got CANCELLED!  SUPER TEACHER to the rescue!!  I also had to impress my student teacher who was there for her practicum.  Talk about PRESSURE!  So, on the spot, I came up with A Fishy Competition!  "Imagine.." I said in a mysterious voice, "that you are a terribly hungry pelican..." - we had been working on using fancy words in our writing for the last two weeks - "and across on another peer" I continued, "is another terribly hungry pelican..." DUN, DUN, DUN!! "and what do pelicans like to eat?" "FISH!" they all cried!  Then I demonstrated with a partner how to play A Fishy Competition!

fun subtraction game for kids

I had already set out 10 rainbow goldfish crackers in the "ocean" (a small paper plate with a piece of felt hot glued to the middle for sound proofing when rolling dice).  In partners, each took a turns rolling two foam dice and subtracting to find out how many fish to eat, and then subtracting again to show how many fishies were eaten.  Yummy!  The game ended when all fishes were in little pelican tummies.

My little pelicans loved this game!!  It definitely helped to review their subtractions skills in a fun way!  I did have to remind them to always begin each subtraction equation with the bigger number!  When I got home I created this little freebie for you!  Click on the picture below to get your copy.  Print it out and laminate it.  Have students use erasable markers to record their subtraction problems!

pelicans fish subtraction primary first second third grade one

subtraction fun

Also, be sure to check out my little packet I CAN!  It would go along nicely with the peliCAN theme:)

first second third grade fun activities

Also, check out Pelican and Pelican't by Hans Wilhelm.  So CUTE!

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