Monday 4 February 2013

Shades of Winter, Penguins, and The Perfect Snowman!

A shout out to my sweet co-worker Bonnie for making me the cutest, most delicious cupcake tree for my birthday!!!  The cupcakes were so delicious and creative!  I even got to keep the love bugs!!  Thanks so much for making my birthday SO special!!

The last three weeks have been a bit of a blur!  I have been so busy getting sick and having Parent/Teacher interviews.  I saw Hope King's The Ultimate Winter Writing Bundle and I knew I had to have it!  We have had a winter blast writing and creating!  I always am pleasantly surprised at the huge improvement my muffins show in their writing and overall abilities in general come January!!  YESSS!!!!  It is so great to see all of their creativity!!

My favourite activity, overall was learning about fact and opinion.  The idea was convince everyone else that their idea of the perfect snowman was the best.  Six years old and their creativity is through the roof!

"The perfect snowman is a turkey snowman.  It can get anything.  And it can run and it can jump and hide.  And it can flip (and) get scared.  It is random."

"The perfect snowman is a parachuting snowman. I could go flying with the snowman.  I could go on a family vacation without going on a plane because I could fly with the snowman."

"The best snowman is a melted snowman.  (The) melted snowman is the best snowman because it didn't last long."  Check it out below!  LOVE!  This art activity is SO super easy.  Get a huge packet of mini-marshmallows, white glue and chalk.  Direct the kiddos to draw their ideal snowman with chalk, glue marshmallows to make the snowman shape.  Add decorative details. It got some sparkly snowflake stickers from the craft store.  Voila!!

easy fun winter art primary first grade
The classic snowman!!
fun, first grade, grade one, art, snowmen, winter, easy, tasty
All hail to the snow queen!
fun, first grade, grade one, art, snowmen, winter, easy, tasty
The best snowman is a melted snowman??  I so LOVE this!!
fun, first grade, grade one, art, snowmen, winter, easy, tasty
Meowtastic!  Watch out for the abominable cat snowman!!  So cute!!

I cannot believe it is February but I am looking forward to all the fun of Valentine's Day, Jump Rope for Heart, a couple of field trips and the 100th Day of School!  Happy teaching!!

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